The EELISA European Engineer Profile

The ambition of EELISA is to develop a common European engineer profile rooted in society, with increased inclusiveness, cross-disciplinarity and commitment. Such a profile includes high-level technical and scientific core competencies but also encompasses environmental, social and multicultural skills taking benefits from the European context of diversity and mobility, in order to address the new…

EELISA Credentials

EELISA Credentials are the “academic materialization” of the students’ involvement in the innovative and transformative learning experiences offered by the EELISA Communities – it is a passport, certified, fraud-free, and IT-based, in which the student collects the evidence (“badges”) of his/her contribution to social challenge solving processes.

EELISA Community Platform

The EELISA Community Platform is the home of EELISA Communities. Just another fancy word for networks? EELISA Community members share a common interest and offer or participate in learning, research, innovation and third mission activities in the European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance. By doing so, EELISA Communities contribute to a common mission that…

EELISA Gender Equality Plan

The EELISA Gender Equality Plan includes the following four topics: Analysis to collect sex-disaggregated data, assess processes and practices critically Planning to define objectives and targets; Implementation of actions and entangle in outreach activities Monitoring to evaluate, adjust and improve future interventions This deliverable was prepared within the project EELISA INNOvation and Common Research strategy…

EELISA Phase 1: Layperson Report

The EELISA Layperson Report is a summary of EELISA’s achievements and activities between 2020 and 2023, covering the first phase of the European University Alliance. It summarizes key concepts of EELISA, such as EELISA Communities and EELISA Credentials, and provides examples of what was developed concretely in terms of events, campaigns, and educational offerings.