EELISA Statement on Gender Equality

As an expression of our Alliance’s commitment to the shared values of democracy, diversity, inclusion and gender equality, one of the main outcomes of the EELISA Governing Board, held on 21 and 22 April 2022 in Pisa, was the signature of the EELISA Alliance Statement on Gender Equality. This document, drawing on the findings of…

Joint Statement of FOREU in support of Ukraine

“We, the 41 Alliances of European Universities, representing about 300 European Higher Education institutions, stand together and send our strongest solidarity to the Ukrainian people after the Russian Government’s attack. We also strongly condemn the bombardment of Kharkiv National University. Our Alliances have been built on a shared vision of a welcoming and peaceful Europe:…

EELISA Communiqué in solidarity with ITU and all the communities affected by the earthquake

“We, Heads of the Universities of the EELISA Alliance, stand in solidarity with the Turkish and Syrian peoples, and express our sincere condolences and sympathy to the victims, their families, and the people suffering the devastating consequences of the earthquake of 6 February [2022] and its aftershocks. Together with our Alliance member Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi…